How To Clean White Hey Dudes: 5 Quick Steps

If you love fashion or prioritize comfort, your white Hey Dudes are likely a cherished item. But keeping them clean and white can be tough.

Don’t worry! In this article, we will show you easy ways to keep your white Hey Dudes looking fresh for a long time. So, you can continue wearing them with confidence and style.

How to Clean White Hey Dudes: 5 Quick Steps

Cleaning these shoe types need not be a tiring task. Here’s a step-by-step guide to simplify the process.

Step 1: Preparation

For this cleaning process, you will need to gather follow tools to clean:

  • Soft bristle brush (with soft bristles to avoid damaging the material)
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Warm water
  • Mild detergent
  • Spot cleaner specifically designed for fabric or shoes

To begin cleaning your white Hey Dudes, start by removing the insoles and laces. This step is crucial as it allows for better access to all areas of the shoe and prevents any potential damage during the cleaning process. You need to set aside the insoles and laces for separate cleaning.

Clean your shoes

Step 2: Dry Brushing

Next, you begin by using the soft bristle brush to gently remove loose dirt and dust from the surface of your shoes. Start at the top and work your way down, brushing in a sweeping motion. Be careful not to apply too much pressure, as this could potentially damage the fabric.

Step 3: Spot Cleaning

If there are any stubborn stains on your shoes, you can use a spot cleaner specifically designed for fabric or shoes. In detail, you apply a small amount of the spot cleaner to the stained area and use the brush to gently scrub the stain. Additionally, be sure to follow the instructions provided by the spot cleaner manufacturer.

After you have worked the cleaner into the stain, rinse the area with warm water and pat it dry with a microfiber cloth. This step may need to be repeated for particularly stubborn stains.

Step 4: General Cleaning

Now it’s time to clean the entire surface of your white Hey Dudes. Fill a bowl or basin with warm water and add a small amount of mild detergent. After that, you dip the microfiber cloth into the soapy water, ensuring it is not dripping wet.

You continue to gently clean the shoe surfaces using the cloth, working in circular motions. In the process, you pay attention to all areas, including the sides, toe, and heel. Take care not to saturate the fabric, as excessive moisture can damage the shoes. Additionally, you need to rinse the cloth regularly in clean water to remove any soap residue and continue cleaning until you are satisfied with the results.

Step 5: Drying and Conditioning

After cleaning, it’s crucial to allow your shoes to air-dry naturally. In this step, first, find a cool, shaded area where you can place them to dry. Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight or using any heat sources such as heaters or hair dryers. Because this can cause discoloration or shrinkage. It may take a few hours for the shoes to dry completely, depending on the humidity and ventilation in the area.

Next, you can reinsert the insoles and replace them. If wanted, you can also apply a fabric or shoe conditioner to keep the material soft and supple. Remember that follow the instructions provided by the conditioner manufacturer.

Dry your shoes naturally

Quick Tips for Regular Maintenance

Here, we give you some tips to help maintain your shoes’ quality:

Daily brushing

Brushing your shoes daily helps remove dirt, dust, and other debris that accumulate on the surface. You can use a soft-bristled brush or a shoe-cleaning brush to gently brush the shoes. This not only keeps them clean but also prevents the buildup of dirt, which can damage the material over time.

Spot cleaning

When you notice stains or spills on your shoes, it’s important to address them as soon as possible. Use a mild detergent or a specialized shoe cleaner along with a soft cloth or sponge. After that, you can gently dab and clean the affected area. Avoid rubbing too strongly, as it can damage the material. After spot cleaning, allow the shoes to air dry completely before wearing them again.

Change your shoes

Wearing the same pair of shoes every day can lead to excessive wear and tear. To extend their lifespan, try to change them regularly. This will help them to rest and recover their shape, as well as prevents constant pressure on the same areas. So, you should buy at least two or three pairs of shoes.

Change your shoes regularly

Common Mistakes to Avoid

First, you need to avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaning agents. Because these are not specifically designed for shoes.

Additionally, when cleaning your shoes, it’s important to be gentle. Scrubbing too hard, especially on delicate materials like suede or leather. So, this can result in lasting damage. Instead, use a soft cloth or sponge and apply gentle pressure when cleaning. If your shoes have stubborn stains, try using a specialized cleaner or seek professional help to avoid any potential damage.


To keep your white Hey Dudes clean, all you need is regular care, the right techniques, and a bit of patience. With this guide, you can maintain the condition of your beloved shoes and prolong their lifespan.


  1. Can you wash hey dudes in the washer?

    According to the hey dude website, for their non-special shoes (excluding suede, leather, and wool), it is recommended to machine wash them. However, it is important to remove the insoles and shoelaces before placing them in the washing machine. Because these can get damaged during the wash cycle. Ensure that you choose a gentle cycle with cold water for the best results.

  2. How often should I clean my white hey dudes?

    This largely depends on how frequently you wear them. If you wear them daily, it's good to clean them weekly. However, spot cleaning should be done as soon as stains or dirt appear.

  3. Is it safe to put white hey dudes in the dryer?

    According to the hey dude website, for their non-special shoes (excluding suede, leather, and wool), it is recommended to machine wash them. However, it is important to remove the insoles and shoelaces before placing them in the washing machine. Because these can get damaged during the wash cycle. Ensure that you choose a gentle cycle with cold water for the best results.